Professionals and students who want to get themselves certified in Core Java or JDBC can refer to this syllabus for learning and enhancing their knowledge of Java during their academic sessions. Here is more detailed information about core java syllabus:
Basic of Java
What is Java?
History and Features of Java
C++ vs. Java
Hello Java Program
Internal How to set the path?
JDK, JRE, and JVM (Java Virtual Machine)
JVM Memory Management
Internal Details of JVM
Unicode System, Operators, Keywords, and Control Statements like if-else, switch, for loop, and while loop
Class, Objects, and Types of Classes
Naming conventions of Java
Classes, objects, and features
Object declaration and initialization
The life cycle of an object
Anonymous object in Java
Packages in Java
How to declare a package in a company project
Package naming conventions
Sub packages
Types of packages such as user-defined packages, built-in packages
Importing packages in Java
Data Types in Java
Data types in Java
Primitive data types
Non-primitive data types
Memory allocation of primitive and non-primitive data types
Variables, Constraints, and Literals
Variable declaration and initialization
Naming convention
Types of variables such as local variables, instance variables, and static variables
Scope and memory allocation of variables
Methods in Java
Methods in Java
Use of method in Java
Method declaration, the method signature
Types of methods in Java: predefined method, user-defined methods: instance method, static method
Calling of method
Java main method
Return type in Java
Constructor in Java
What is Constructor in Java?
Types of Constructors: Default and parameterized constructors
Java constructor overloading
Constructor chaining in java
Copy constructor in Java
Modifiers in Java
What is an Access modifier and non-access modifier in Java?
Types of access modifiers like private, default, protected, and public
Types of non-access modifiers like abstract, final, native, static, Strictfp, synchronised modifier, transient, volatile.
Static Keyword
What is Static Keyword
Static variable
Static method
Static block, instance block
Static Nested Class in Java
Difference between static variable and instance variable, static method, and instance method, static block, and instance block
Final Keyword
Final keyword
Final variable
Final method
Final class
Inner Class in Java
What is Inner Class in Java?
Types of Inner class in Java
Super and this keyword
Super Keyword
Calling of superclass instance variable
Superclass constructor
Superclass method
Encapsulation in Java
How to achieve encapsulation
Data Hiding
Tightly encapsulated class
Getter and setter method in Java
Naming convention of getter and setter method
Inheritance in Java
Aggregation and Composition
Types of Inheritance
Polymorphism in Java
Types of Polymorphism
Static and Dynamic Binding
Method overloading
Method Overriding
Abstraction in Java
Abstract Class
Abstract method
Interface in Java
Nested interface, rules, and example programs
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